Cádiz Spanien, 2009. Internationaler Ideenwettbewerb, 2. Phase
Carola Antón in Zusammenrabeit mit Maria Arquero de Alarcón.
Bauherrschaft: Consejería de Vivienda y Ordenación del Territorio de la Junta de Andalucía, Dirección General de Urbanismo, y el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Alcalá de los Gazules (Cádiz).
The competition requests the qualification of the northern slope of Alcal’a de los Gazules, and a soluction for connectivity and isolation of this part of the town; the design of a park, a big Underground parking and the new conception of the whole transport system of the area.
Alcalá de los Gazules, has a strategic location, sourranded by 5 rivers and a rich source of springs and streams, water lines forming or adapted to the topography, it is also located in the middle of the cork oak Naturalpark. Gazules etimology is believed to have its origine in the name of bereberes warriors.

The intervention in the northern slope, of important historical meaning, aims to reconciliate Alcalá with its past, its geology and its vegetation trough a “collar”. A “collar” as a complex intervention in diferent levels, far from a beautifying strategy. The park is conceived as a place to discover, the same way that in the bereber culture the jewlery provides information about the tribal membership, and incorporates in its designs a rich simbolism asociated with colors, numbers, forms, and drawings.

The cualification of the nordem slope extends from the higher part of the old town towards the River Barbate through small ways and roads drawing the topographie of the landscape.
The big Underground Parking is designed under the actual Paseo in several levels, giving access to the city and park at different heights. From the old fabric, a spacious Paseo is followed in height by a Paved Square that may work as a bypass to regulate the actual traffic problems. The vegetaion in different densities build an stratification leading towards the lower area: the river.